Mama and Papa Maeght - founders of the Fondation Maeght - were devastated when they lost their youngest son, Bernard, to leukemia at age 11. Artist George Braque suggested the process their pain by undertaking something crazy - which became the Fondation Maeght, this amazing collection/building in the south of France.
On the grounds is the Chapel Bernard; a saint of the same name had lived here(ish). Not sure whether they built here because of that - or it was a coincidence they discovered after they had the land. In any case, deepens the experience enormously.

Jean Cortot called himself a "text predator" cause he raided the words of friends and idols for his art. I'm very word-driven - so I loved the way he put his too loves together. Maybe even icould do that?
Then a walk up the hill to the charming walled city of St. Paul de Vence (without stopping at the renowned yet pricey Colombe d'Or for lunch). Zazz, Chun, Eugénie, Lanie and Sive happy to pose (or are they?)
Ham that I am, I'm always happy to smile for a pic :)

I gotta start carrying fewer bags...

Chagall's grave - with messages on rocks from visitors from China, the Middle East - and Pinehurst? Modern-art lovers and golfers?
Escoffier is also buried there, too, but couldn't find him. When he was alive you could have probably tracked him down by the yummys smells.

Bunny on a Ball! If this gallery in St Paul had been open, I might have bought it. Oh wait - I forgot: I'm not a millionaire.

Last Stop: the Matisse Chapel in Vence.
The chapel was fine (call me a heretic), but what wowed me was the story of Henri and his "night nurse" turned nun. He was 50 years older than her - 50! - and "distraught" when she took her vows. So says the museum info - so you know there's something there.

I wonder how this full day of inspiration at the Fondation Maeght, St Paul de Vence and Matisse Chapel is going to inform the work I'm doing at the Chateau de La Napoule, telling the story of Marie and Henry Clews who started a foundation of their own (well, Marie did all of it).

Stay tuned!