Hope Sings
Beth Blatt is the founder/CEO of Hope Sings, the for-benefit organization whose mission is to harness the power of song and story to empower, inspire and connect women around the world. Hope Sings creates songs inspired by the success stories of organizations that help women and children.
Hope Sings first partnered with microfinance organizations Kiva, FINCA, and ACCION creating songs based on borrower success stories, songs that helped raise awareness of how small loans change lives in substantial ways.
For UN Women, Beth conceived, co-wrote and co-produced the anthem, “One Woman” - the first-ever anthem for a United Nations agency. Music was by Graham Lyle (“What’s Love Got To Do With It” and other hits) and Somalian singer-songwriter Clay.
Within days of the launch, the song and the message of UN Women had reached more than 60 million people. Executive Director Michelle Bachelet (and soon to be President of Chile) said:

“I want to express my deep gratitude for lending your musical talent to UN Women to create the first theme song of a UN agency. Our launch of ‘One Woman’ was an unprecedented success in drawing attention to women’s empowerment.”
Hope Sings has created events and songs for organizations Girls Inc (Westchester) and Hour Children. Their work has supported other causes/organizations including the Red Cross (for Sandy Relief), and the International Red Cross (Japanese tsunami aid).
Beth at UN for launch for “One Woman” video
Ban-Ki Moon, Sec’y General of UN, thanks Beth for creating UN Women anthem, “One Woman.”
I want to express my deep gratitude for lending your musical talent to UN women to create the first theme
song for a UN Agency….”One Woman” was featured on major global media outlets worldwide…Without you,
none of that would have been possible…I thank you for your time and enthusiasm.
We hope you will continue to raise your voice for the rights of women.
Michelle Bachelet, UN Women - Executive Director
Beth - on conceiving the anthem for UN Women