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FAMM - Full of Femmes!

I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw there was a new art museum in Mougins that was women - women- nothin' but women! Artists, that is.

Nicole Wittenberg Gloriosa Daisy 2

Needless to say, I hightailed it over to FAMM - Femmes Artistes du Musée de Mougins.

Elizabeth Colomba, The Wheel of Fortune Marina Abramović, Carrying a Skeleton

(L) Frida Kahlo "Body Armor"? (above right) Carrie Mae Weems, "Untitled" (below rt) Delphia Diallo "The Appearance of Kali"

The museum is the brainchild of Christian Levett - a hugely successful finance guy who used his winnings to become a mega-art investor. He opened the Mougins Museum of Classical Art - but then tired of armor and such like. He did a 180 and transformed that space into FAMM.

Francoise Gilot, Femme à la Guitare Dora Maar, Portrait de Jacqueline Breton-Lamba

FAMM is jam-packed with fascinations and surprises. And stories. Already I'm dying to write songs - monologues - plays that bring them to life. Can you imagine Marina Abramović in conversation with Frida Kahlo?
And what's the story with Blanche Monet - both stepdaughter and daughter-in-law of Claude Monet??

Elaine de Kooning, "Abstraction # 3" Joan Mitchell, "Rufus' Rock"

2 by Blanche Hoschedé-Monet

Lee Krasner with her "Prophecy"

If I understood correctly - the painting in this photo of Lee Krasner was the subject of the last conversation she had with her husband, Jackson Pollock, the night before he died.

I wonder what she's thinking here - don't you??

What to call this latest obsession...




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