View of Chateau de La Napoule pre-departure
The fantastic folk at our residency gave us a field trip - and the weather cooperated for the first time since we've been here!
Off we went in three cars, bright and early (ie Artist Time: 10am). First stop: Fondation Maeght in St. Paul de Vence.
The goodies start in the garden. This reminds me of the orange Calder that was front-page news in Chicago (reviled/adored). After today, I'm pretty clear I prefer Calder to Miro. Maybe I'm a killjoy. Calder is playful. Miro is cartoon-y. So shoot me.
That Giocometti was a handsome guy.
Joke I heard:
"Giocometti, why are all your figures so skinny?"
"Are they?"
More likely: he was drawing the shadows people made. That's cool. If not as funny.
Part II - More Fondation Maeght, St Paul and Vence (Matisse!)