What fun stuff are you denying yourself??
Yesterday morning, I was fed up.
(Are You Fed Up With Something, Too?)
SICK TO TEARS of making infinitesimal but necessary edits to my script for “Inconnue,” the play-with-music we’ll perform at the Château de La Napoule in 2.5 weeks.
And allowed myself to do something else.
(Can you do that??)
You see, a lyric hook popped into my head over an apéro Saturday evening.
Sunday morning, I let it pop out.

First, I whipped off a lyric.
Then I warbled a semi-ok audio demo.
Then cobbled together a quick-and-dirty video.
(btw, I have selective amnesia for how to make a video, keep forgetting what's best - Quik Time, iMovie, You Tube, Canva?
Answer below...
ANYWHO - I was glued to my desk from 8am until 4pm. On a beautiful Sunday. Loving every minute.
WATCH IT here.
A few years back, every day I’d write a DAILY DITTY.
First thing in the morning, I’d think of something that tickled me, then toss off a fun little lyric (written to a well-known tune).
They were homages to friends and places and holidays and foods – even little songs to sing together during Covid.
(“Don’t Touch Your Face!” & “Hit Me With A Third Shot”)
watch here
People loved them and came to expect them – it was like a big accountability group.
And that made me step up, keep going.
I did that every day for ten months.
I was never happier.
I want to feel that way again.
It's time for Daily Ditties 2.0 - “Odd-Ditties.”

My Odd-Ditties live in the cross-cultural space of France and US. What’s weird, where.
(Really? Escargot spit is anti-aging?)
Detours into Frivolous Land I’ll permit myself from time to time. Breaks from the theatre grindstone.
I repeat:
What fun stuff are you denying yourself???
CAN YOU STOP - even for an hour – AND START TO PLAY MORE?
(note: the bolds and CAPS are just as much to spur me on as you…)
Ok. Now back to my rewrites.
AND THE ANSWER IS....iMovie is easiest and fastest and best!