So where am I with making my musical, Oneida, happen on-stage by the end of 2020?
Finding my by day...making a meal out of little scraps of joy. Hope the breadcrumbs are gluten-free.
Worked on my submission for the ASCAP "workshop." I gave myself 1 hour to get it ready: choosing the 4 songs, writing the set-up's, making sure the lyric matches the recorded demo. After 2 hours and 15 minutes, it still wasn't done. These applications are TIME SUMPS. Or am I just too anal and most people don't care? I will give another hour tomorrow. And I know it will take more.
Wrote an email to my composer asking her advice about something for the submission - but then made my own decision. This is big for me. I like to do things "right." Don't want to piss anyone off. Which takes a lot of today: I ask for forgiveness not permission. Yay me.
Wrote this blog. Am writing this blog.
First, the bad news: a director who I reached out to last week said the show isn't right for the production company she works with.
However, the good news: she also said (was going to direct-quote her but then got nervous - yes, a bit of a backslide from #3 above) -
Let's just say her phrases include...
"the work is the music...the script and book are wonderfully engaging...story is undeniably interesting...real future life for it.
I'm allowed to feel good, right? Then why do I keep wondering what's up with the director who's had the materials for a month and said he'd read it by the end of last week and it's now next week and still nothing and SHUT UP, BETH. Focus on the good.
TO DO'S (rhymes with Good News)
Follow up again with theatre in CT about festival in June. Sent email last week and didn't hear back. I want that reflected in my eulogy somehow. Dedicated her life to email ping pong. One-sided. Which she always lost. Often lost.
Meet with Smart Writer Friend tomorrow to read down show and see what I can fix before sending it to the composer so she can firm up the score, which will take a month before we can start rehearsing.
Reach out to another director tomorrow in case the two who are top of mind fall by the wayside.
Write another blog post, hopefully more upbeat.
Finish the damn ASCAP application.
BE GRATEFUL for my composer and all the moral support I get from friends and fellow artist nuts.